Saturday, December 26, 2009

my tribute to facebook

How many friends do you have? I have 511. Isn’t it great to be so connected? Isn’t it great to never be alone? I wonder what I have missed in the last 30 minutes, I better check the news feed. Something major just happened in my life I better puke it up via mobile so all my friends can know.
We live out this illusion every day. We are afraid to be alone with God because he might actually speak to us. We sit in front of a screen living a virtual life of friendship while our actual ability to love another human being slowly diminshes. We have taken the sacredness out of life by downsizing everything to a generic post online.

Fakebook, what have you done to my soul? Fakebook what have you done to our society? Fakebook, will you always be there for me?

If we spent half the time we spend on facebook in prayer, service or worship we would find ourselves more deeply connected. If we visited face to face we would quickly realize how cheapened relationships have become by overuse of facebook.

1 comment:

  1. I have to respectfully disagree. I think that Facebook can be used to God's glory, strengthening & building relationships. Facebook is just like anything else in this world, it can be used wisely or used & abused. For me, it's a connection with a lot of teenagers in my life, it's a door that might not be there otherwise. I know everyone in my friends list personally. I can post things that spark conversation, both on Facebook & in person. I can speak things that I might never get a chance to say face to face. Sometimes, I fuss at myself for some of the things that I post because it makes me vulnerable, it let's people see inside to what I feel & who I am but those are the things that people relate to the most. For me, it's not about being fake but a stepping stone to being authentic. I also think people are more willing to hear what you have to say because it's less threatening when it isn't in a face to face conversation. Do I think Facebook should replace face to face physical relationships? No, but I do think that it has a place in todays culture. There are good & bad things about Facebook but does it make our culture bad or is it a tool that can help us reach people that we never would have had access to?
