Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pottery: week 5

This Tuesday I was able to practice trimming the bowls I threw last week. I trimmed three of the five bowls and am excited for how they turned out. The third piece was a little wet when I got there so I set it under the heating duct to dry out. By the time I got to it that afternoon it was very dry. It was interested to feel the difference in trimming with dryer clay. It shaved off almost like chocolate. My trimming improved this week. Part of this was because I took the time to measure the bottom and walls, made drawings and wrote these down. This allowed me to be more aware of how much clay I had to trim. The last piece I trimmed is the best trimming I have done so far. It turned out very smooth and light. I am excited to see how it turns out through the firing.
On Friday I helped Patti mop the studio which is something she does at least once a week. This is to clear out the dust and clay residue. Potter's get an illness in the lungs from breathing in too many particles. I enjoyed learning more about the care of a studio space as part of pottery. After cleaning the studio we sat down for my next lesson. Patti had an array of similar pots thrown by Warren Mackenzie, his student or Patti. They were all a similar design with different variations. We talked about the history of pottery a wee bit. We talked about how folk art pottery was brought to the forefront and how Mackenzie's legacy has been getting pottery into the homes of the masses. My assignment was to throw fast and messy with 1 1/2 pounds of clay and to try to imitate some of the designs.
It was a fun long day. I am happy with the pieces I threw and hope to trim them on Tuesday. It was fun to open up a bit of my creative side. I am encouraged with my throwing and the potential of what I can create. It is humbling to be reminded of how much I have to learn still. At least I know that pottery is a lifetime lesson.
I also got to take home some of my first pots that have been fired. It is amazing to experience the whole process of creating a single pot. I drew in my journal some of the steps beginning with wedging clay which is not even the beginning! I am proud of my work yet can also see areas I can grow in. Learning pottery has been really healing for me. It has also given me confidence in my ability to create. For a long time I have convinced myself that I am not an artist or craftsmen or that I just could not do certain things. Here are some more pictures of what I threw Friday as well as my first two bowls! Enjoy.

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